Tom Kuplic | ETO Consulting - Part 3

Author Archives Tom Kuplic

What is a Trigger and Why is it the Key to Having People Remember You?

Posted by Tom Kuplic on April 30, 2013  /   Posted in Blog

What do people talk about more?: Cereal or a vacation to Fiji. Seems pretty clear right…the more exciting an experience, the more you and I are likely to talk about it. That might be true for the first week after you return from vacation, but in the long run, people actually talk about things that are meaningfully integrated into their life on a regular basis and there’s a strong reason for this.

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The Top 4 Reasons People Share Things on Social Media

Posted by Tom Kuplic on April 26, 2013  /   Posted in Blog

Though social media is relatively new in the world of marketing, the backbone of social media is still word of mouth. While we live in a world where the technological barriers to sharing our thoughts and feelings are almost eliminated, it’s still vital to understand what inspires real human beings to share things in the first place.

Ernest Dichter, a research scion of motivational behavior, completed a large word of mouth study almost 50 years ago, and the core results are still true today, with some slight modifications based on Jonah Berger’s new book Contagious: Why Things Catch On.

Behold, the main reasons people share things about a brand, and insights you can use:

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